How Sweet it Is!

What do you get when you combine two specific amino acids (protein structures) together? In one special combination you get an incredibly sweet taste, 100 times sweeter than sugar—more taste with less calories, Who Knew? The end result of this chemistry experiement is Nutrasweet, also known as Aspartame. I have been told by many sources that more complaints have been registered with the FDA about Aspartame than any other product, yet it still remains on the market. The problem with this substance is that documentation reveals serious health problems, ranging from alleged brain tumors to symptoms mimicking Multiple Sclerosis, not to mention memory problems, and a whole host of cognitive problems (today kids dink sodas like (and in lieu of) water. In his groundbreaking book, Excitotoxins, Russell Blaylock, MD defends the research on this “toxin” found in soft drinks, chewing gum, toothpaste, and many, many other food sources. Blaylock contends that as an excitotoxin, it crosses the blood brain barrier, leading to all kinds of health problems. Having taught nutrition at the University of Colorado for over a decade, I brought in many guest speakers, ALL OF WHOM spoke on the dangers of Aspartame and begged my students NOT to consume it! They recommend the natural product stevia instead. Several of my students added their their fathers were pilots for major airlines—all of whom were told NOT to drink ANYTHING with Aspartame, as it effects cognitive skills while flying. The bottom line is that this product is a stress to the mind-body and should be avoided at all costs. MSG is also an excitoxin and Blaylock suggests to avoid this as well (interesting to note that due to public concern about MSG, food labels (check out the condiments in your fridge) now simply state “Spice” or “Natural flavorings.”

• Stress Tip for the Day:
The best thing you can do for your health is to STOP consuming any foods that contain thess products, particularly diet soda. Monsanto, the company that makes Aspartame is changing the name (perhaps as a marketing ploy to confuse consumers). Its new name is AminoSweet. Let the buyer beware! Many people find Nutrasweet addictive, insisting that it’s very difficult to give it up. One suggestion is to switch to ice tea (without a sweetener!) Below is a link to an interview with Dr. Blaylock. Please consider reading his book, Excitotoxins as well.

• Links/Books Worth Noting:
Here is one link (and there are hundreds) on the topic of this dangerous substance. This link includes interviews with Dr. Blaylock. Please take the time to educate yourself on this important issue.
I also recommend you get your hands on the movie, Food Inc.

• Quote for the Day:
“If you want to avoid obesity, metabolic syndrome, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, and if you don’t want to make your cancer more aggressive, then you need to stay away from these products.” —Russell Blaylock, M.D.

“Nobody has ever said it better than Dr. James Bowen who told the FDA years ago that aspartame is mass poisoning of the American public and more than 70+ countries of the world.”

Photo of the Day:
On a flight back from Washington D.C. a few weeks ago I had a layover in Chicago. Looking out the window, with camera in hand, I snapped a photo of the Windy City at her finest. Enjoy!
(this photo has absolutely nothing to do with today’s topic, but it’s a nice photo and… I didn’t have a photo of St. Louis, where Monsanto is located!)

Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D. is an internationally renowned expert in the fields of stress management, mind-body-spirit healing and stress and human spirituality. He is the author of over 10 books including the bestsellers, Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water, Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backward, The Art of Calm, Quiet Mind, Fearless Heart and Managing Stress (6E). He can be reached through his

© Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D.

Brian Luke Seaward

Author Brian Luke Seaward

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